Ice melts. Not a dad joke!
Chrome Extension with backend, Firebase, Google services and Tensorflow with on-device ML/AI...
tensorflowJS Apps:
fingerprint detection
surveillance object detection
open mobile menu
tensorflowJS Apps
fingerprint detection
surveillance object detection
cartoonize image
Contact Us
Under Construction
Get started with Graviwave
Chrome Extension Apps
(free in public)
Shimtab link in Edge
Shimtab link in Chrome
extension app for your productivity in browser
Group the tabs of your visiting sites with auto keywords
How to use? Check this youtube channel
(no sound so turn on the caption)
extension app for the education and fun in browser
tensorflow image classification with mobilenet or coco-ssd model
tf image classifier link in Chrome
Available Free in both Microsoft Edge Add-ons Store and Google Chrome Extension Store
remote browser
image scraper
surveillance object detection
custom object detection
cartoonize image
These are ready made solutions that use backend connection, login server, Firebase services, Google services and ML tensorflowJS
Do you want to build some extension app supporting your biz in browser?
Plz email me for consulting:>
크롬익스텐션 크몽주문
모던 웹사이트/웹앱
Customized Landing Page
Fully responsive, support mobile friendly view, adding kakao channel for marketing
large screen view
mobile screen view
Plz email me for consulting:>
모던 웹사이트/웹앱 크몽주문 TBD